Blog Advertise Effectively

Advertising is hard. And it’s getting harder.
To creative effective advertising you have to do three things:
Engage me, Intrigue me, Persuade me.
Put these together and you have relevance, the holy grail for marketing. You got my attention, you wrote or showed me something that held my interest, and you inspired me to do something. Here are three points to think about for your home page website, or ad campaign.
Engage your audience: What on your site do I see first? Is it intriguing? Does it have an intriguing picture or captivation headline? Grabbing attention is probably the easiest of the three. Any site can have great images, video, or a provocative headline. Do you have a pop up? They are overused and get annoying after awhile. Unless you have an offer or important notice, consider removing the pop up if you’ve had it awhile. Also. don’t try to scrunch as much info to one page, keep the main focus easy to spot.
Intrigue: This is where most marketing loses their way. Ads are stories that sell. Is your ad funny? Is there a personal story? Is there emotion in your content? Ads as well as websites are all vying for your attention. Give them a reason to read on after they are intrigued. Follow up with the attention you just received with an offer, or why your brand or service is different. Make sure your message is consistent throughout your website.
You’ve got my attention: I like your brand/product/service. Now don’t forget the call to action, that last persuading piece. Create an offer, learn more, have a simple contact form, or call now.
Need help? Our writing skills are sharp and we know how to right for the customer as well as the search engines.
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